Monday, September 21, 2009

Forum 411: "Road to Recovery: Lessons from Arizona's First Economy"

This sixth issue of the Morrison Institute for Public Policy's "Forum 411" series looks at the collapse of the economic underpinnings in Arizona of housing, employment, and financial services, and what it will take for us to recover.
The economic underpinnings in Arizona of housing, employment, and financial services have collapsed, as they have almost everywhere else around the nation, albeit deeper here than in most other states.
Arizona again must have the wisdom and willpower to rebound. But it will take more than a bold vision, although one is needed. It will take follow-through and collaboration – neither of which have been Arizona’s strong suit in recent years – as well as informed public policy based on what we’ve learned from the past, melded with what we already know about the future. In short, Arizona must prepare itself for the next economy.
For report, go to Morrison Institute's Web site at:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are Arizonans Living on the Edge?

In the July 2009 AZ Views, "Arizonans On Edge ... So Why Not Involved?" there was a 30% net loss in those panelists saying they had an improved quality of life and those who said it had declined. This is the highest reported decrease since Morrison Institute started asking this question more than 10 years ago.
To read the report:

  • How do you feel about your quality of life?
  • Is your life status threatened?
  • Are your hopeful it will improve?
  • What needs to happen for an overall and individual improvement?

Make your comment below. Please include your name and city.